How to Spring Clean Your Makeup Kit Like a Pro
When it comes to spring cleaning your makeup kit or bag should be no exception. Here's how to do it.

We all know the feeling. You open your makeup bag and it's like a black hole of expired products and half-used eyeshadows. Time to do some serious spring cleaning! Here are some tips on how to clean your makeup and properly care for your products to avoid any nasty skin diseases.

1. First things first, take everything out of your makeup bag/drawer/wherever you store your cosmetics. Yes, everything. We're talking lipsticks, foundations, powder, eye shadow, EVERYTHING. Most of us don't use every single one of our products on a daily basis, so it's important to check the expiration dates on everything regularly. If a product doesn't have an expiration date (this is common with powders), chuck it after two years.

2. Once you've assembled all of your products in one place, it's time to start cleaning! Wipe down all of your compacts and containers with a disinfectant wipe. These things accumulate so much bacteria from being in our purses/on our countertops, in our bathrooms, ewe! , so it's important to give them a good once-over every few months.

3. While you're at it, go through your brushes and clean those too! You can either use a brush cleaner or baby shampoo and conditioner (yep, just like your hair!). Rinse them thoroughly and let them air dry overnight upside down. This ensures that the shape of your brush head will stay in tact and that your metal head doesn't rust adding more bacteria onto your brush. Your Welcome!
4. Now that everything is clean and shiny, it's time to put it all back in its place... but not before taking inventory! Check the expiration dates on all of your products and toss anything that's past its prime. That mascara from last year probably isn't doing you any favors. Also, get rid of anything you never use - those sparkly blue eye shadows probably looked great in the store but let's be real, when are you ever actually going to wear them? Be ruthless here - the goal is to declutter so that you can find what you need quickly and easily when you're getting ready in the morning.
5. Once you've edited down your collection, put everything back in its place and enjoy your new makeup oasis! Make sure to commit to regularly cleaning your brushes and checking expiration dates so that your sanctuary stays bacteria-free and tidy.

A well-organized makeup kit is a thing of beauty - literally! By taking the time to declutter and disinfect, you can be sure that your products are bacteria-free and safe to use. And who knows? Maybe this spring cleaning spirit will inspire you to KonMari the rest of your apartment too...
Investing in good makeup storage can save you a lot of time and frustration. With a little bit of planning, you can keep your makeup collection organized and looking great.
Caring for makeup doesn't have to be an ordeal. By investing in some good storage solutions, you can keep your makeup collection looking great for years to come.
Where you store your makeup is also important. Ideally, you should keep it in a cool, dry place. Otherwise, your makeup might start to melt or grow mold. If you don't have a lot of space, you can store your makeup in a clear box under your bed. Just make sure to check on it every few months to ensure everything is still in good condition.
Thanks for reading!
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